
Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Te Reo Maori: Kei te hea?

Te Reo Maori and Singing.

I am learning to sing in tune.
I am learning to pronounce words in Te Reo Maori correctly.

Tautoro School

Tautoro School
I think Tautoro School is the best school because the first time I came to Tautoro School everyone welcomed me with a powhiri and I loved my classroom too. Everyday when the students in Room 3 and I are learning, everyone is always on task and they are always doing the right thing.
I enjoy learning how to grow plants from seeds and how to take care of the plants.
I also like learning sports skills from Matua Matt. We learn skills for playing soccer, rugby, rippa rugby, touch, basketball, and hockey.
Another thing I love learning is dance with Whaea Dorothy.
What a cool school to learn at.

So that’s why I like Tautoro School.

At Tautoro School

Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Reading with Expression

                                                  Walt: I am learning to read with expression

Friday, 1 December 2017

Maths number knowledge stage 5

                                                             I am learning to read any number to 1000

Maths Number Knowledge

I am learning to count forwards and backwards.

recount writing

Seed to feed
Last term room 3 started planting plants from seeds. At first I did not think that plants could be grown from seeds. I just thought that it would not grow but a few weeks later they started to grow. I was amazed. I couldn’t believe that they really grew. When they grew big enough to sell room 3 decided we would sell them in the market day so we did.

I am so excited to sell the plants at market day. We had lots of different plants to sell. We were selling tomato, sweet corn, pansy, pumpkin and lots more. All of these plants needed lots of water, nutrients and sunlight.

              These are the plants